How to increase your testhash 3k everyday after 10k in first _Bitcoin Satoshi & BTCs
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How to increase your testhash 3k everyday after 10k in first _Bitcoin Satoshi & BTCs


테스트넷하여 매일 3k 해시받기

테스트넷 시작후 3일동안은 10k 받고 이후에는 3k를 매일 받는다



1.메타마스크에 네트워크 설정하기

1)Setting 클릭

2)Networks 클릭

3)Add Network 클릭해 순서대로 아래 텍스트를 복사해서 붙여넣기 하세요


Network Name : Satoshi Chain Testnet

RPC Url           : 

Chain               : 1115

Symbol             :TBTCC

Block Explorer URL   :

2.메타마스크내 내 사토시 지갑주소를 복사해 Satosh Chain Faucet(Testnet)에 붙여넣기해 테스트넷에 등록한다.

(등록해야 테스트넷에서 테스트한 것에 대한 보상을 매일 3k 받는다.)

내 사토시 지갑주소, 로봇이 아닙니다 체크 후 Get tBTCs 클릭하면

내 메타마스크 사토지지갑에 테스트용 tBTCs 1개가 입금되어 있는 걸 볼수있다.


3.메타마스크에서 다른 사람의 공유된 테스트 사토시 주소를 입력해서 테스트송신한다.

다른 사람의 테스트넷 주소는 텔레그램, 페이스북을 통하면 쉽게 구할 수 있다.

또는 아래주소로 보내면 된다. 송신이 끝나면 사토시 앱으로 돌아가 Receive Hash를 클릭해 3k 해시를 매일 수령한다.



Testnet to get 3k hashes daily

10k for 3 days after testnet start and 3k every day after that


1. Setting up a network in MetaMask

1)Click Settings

2)Click Networks

3)Click Add Network and copy and paste the text below in order


Network Name: Satoshi Chain Testnet


Chain : 1115

Symbol :TBTCC

Block Explorer URL:

2. Copy my Satoshi wallet address in Metamask and paste it into Satosh Chain Faucet (Testnet) to register it on the testnet.

(You must register to receive a reward of 3k per day for testing on the testnet.)

paste my Satoshi wallet address, I am not a robot check, click Get tBTCs

You can see that 1 tBTCs for testing have been deposited in my Metamask.


3.In MetaMask, send to someone's shared test Satoshi address to get hash up(3k)

Other people's testnet addresses can be easily obtained through Telegram and Facebook.

Or send it to the address below.

4. When the test transmission is finished, return to the Satoshi app and click Receive Hash to receive 3k hashes daily.

1. Register link

2. How to increase the mining rate
1)Use Hashcard – initiate(participate) or room(collect)
2)Go to the whitepaper and click the below letters continusely(1minute) : You can see Satoshi Card 3)Use Testnet : You can collet everyday 3k hash rate
(Tutorial, Information)
4) Check the swap price

2. How to Register
1) Click the link above and click Sign up
2) Enter your email and click Next
3) Enter the verification code received by e-mail
4) After entering the password, click Register
5) Click Download APP to download and install the app
6) Click Mining at the bottom
7) Click Start Mining to log in
8) KYC registration (authentication)
①Real-name Authentification
-Name : Write in the order of passport name, last name (eg GILDONG HONG)
-Passport Number(ID No./Driver License Number) : Passport number, resident registration card number, license number can also be used
②Click Start Face Verification (Face Verification)
- You can even wink and raise your face up and down to the left and right to look at your face and slowly close-up your face, etc. just as instructed by the app. 1~2 times is not easy, you just need to follow the instructions 5~6 times
-Click Confirm



